The hot Welshman popped the question!! Hence my radio silence on ss, sorry folks but been in a mountain of champers and dreams and rocks and wedding websites. Focusing on the really important stuff, naturally. So excited, this is a whole new shopping arena and it goes on and on and on...currently loving
Jenny Packham,
Monique lhuillier and
Central Weddings looks terrifying but I am going to try on every gown in the place. Any advice on where else to go for great, and unique designers much appreciated....
In the meantime, while I rant on like the bridezilla I swore never to become, feast your eyes on this delicious idea from a lovely girl who is the sister of my great and glam friend Payne...
Edna's tea shop...perfect for rustic chic weddings...
1 comment:
Dear Secret stylist!
A stunning place for wedding dresses - www.catherinedeane.com - pretty romantic and with memories of the past, crafted yet modern - lovely stuff. if you contact them they can always meet you in hong kong as they work from here part of the year and have a studio in HK.
another tip: try on everything ,even the comedy dresses, not only is it a laugh but can take you by surprise.
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