I could probably open a section within Selfridges with the amount of honeymoon wardrobe items I purchased before our trip. It could be entitled the "Oh my god, over excited, never going to be this thin again, got to look hot 100% all of the time department." The bikini wardrobe is as vital as the safari one. My strategy is naughty + nice, so purchase some really stylish pricey ones and then balance those with some cheaper ones which you don't mind trashing. Always ensure you have some strapless styles and buy them a little larger so you don't get the bottoms digging in, it will also allow for honeymoon eating habits. My naughty + nice selection consists of (from top):
Heidi Klein Corsica Pleat Bikini (available online, GBP 135), perfect as it gives the cleavage a little boost, the colour is incredible too
Vix Tortoise Off-White (available at Rush in HK, around HK$1000 or poss more but the boy may read this), you always need a creamy/white one and this is a really lovely shade and fabric
Topshop Wide Stripe Bikini (available online, GBP 25), a nod to nautical, looks more expensive than it is and good with pale skin
Topshop Frilly Bandeau Bikini (available online, GBP 25), great colour, strapless to avoid marks and the frills are fun, you have one on your bottom too to detract from the slight wobbles below it.
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